Winter is here & we’re ready!

Learn how Quala stays ahead of the weather during the holiday season.
Having to handle a variety of products over a large network comes with a list of challenges. Our team would like to relay a few winter safety guidelines and why it is important to take extra precautions during this time of year.
Steam heating is one specific service that can help maintain the necessary temperature of a product during winter months. Many times, products need to be delivered at higher temperatures to ensure they flow through the pumps and equipment since cold weather can cause chemicals to solidify. Quala provides heating through steam coils on the units if requested. To request this service, we need a copy of the SDS & the temperature at which the customer would like the product kept. Once approved by the EHS Department, staff will be kept on-site at the facility to monitor the temperature and pressure of the heating (every hour) to ensure it meets the customer’s request.
Winter brings with it all sorts of hazards not found at other times of the year. From frozen pipes to frozen products, slippery walkways, and slick driving conditions, winter is a “special wonderland of hazards”. In order to help eliminate these hazards, it is important to be aware of your surroundings. Pre-planning trips to give additional travel time during your commute can be helpful, and most importantly, being patient with the cleaning teams as they “break through the ice” which can accumulate on containers, is the key to making winter an enjoyable season for everyone.

Winter preparation for Quala starts in the fall. Properly preparing the parking areas and having hot coffee is nice but doesn’t necessarily prepare us for the cold months ahead. Pre-heating our boilers and doing inspections on equipment prior to opening the doors for business is the key to providing excellent on-time service to our customers. Quala can’t clear the roads but we can keep the bays clean & clear for those units covered in a blanket of snow and ice. Extra PPE (warm boot inserts, ear muffs, lined gloves, etc.) are provided to ensure our cleaners are prepared for the weather and whatever hazards winter may bring.

Of course, our team cannot predict weather conditions, but we are always working to make sure our customers have a constant stream of communication regarding facility closures, snow, and storms. Quala’s Safety Department provides Daily Toolbox Talks, weekly text blasts, monthly Safety Alerts and Bulletins along with Monthly Safety Calls and Safety Committee Meetings to ensure all employees are kept up to date on safety processes and procedures. To receive network notifications, customers can visit and add your name and email to our subscription form. If you think there might be extreme weather conditions in your area we recommend reaching out to our Facility Managers or Regional Operation Managers directly. Customers can always call our local facility to ensure there are no road closures (to the facility) or weather conditions that may impede your container from being promptly cleaned. If you cannot reach the local manager, call 855.55.Quala (855.557.8252) to talk to a customer service representative at our Headquarters for assistance.
At Quala, safety is a value, a commitment, AND a priority. Unfortunately, injuries happen at work and at home every day, but all of these injuries are preventable. Think about the hazards you encounter at work and at home to use PROACTIVE measures to eliminate those hazards before an injury occurs.
Learn about our Work Safe program or view our Holiday Hours.