A message from our CEO, Scott Harrison

Hello Everyone,
This is an unprecedented time for all of us. We recognize the disruption that the pandemic has had on all areas of what we so considered our normal lives.
We at Quala are taking actions to support the nation and protect the vulnerable segments of our society, all while not overwhelming our healthcare system. In an effort to secure the safety of our staff, we are requiring employees to work from home when practical. Where not practical, we are taking measures to protect our team with a variety of initiatives promoted through our Employee Portal. We recognize the challenges that many of our staff will face through this crisis and are committed to handling any concerns on a case-by-case basis.
While being supportive to nationwide suggestions to control this pandemic, we are making cognitive choices that will allow our business to run smoothly. We do not anticipate any of our implementations to cause disruption in our service delivery or our ability to support our customers. Tools have been implemented to allow our leadership team to communicate with employees and stay on track with our company-wide goals.
What we do is essential for the ongoing efforts the nation is undertaking to confront the virus. In our facilities, we clean containers that carry critical materials that our nation needs. For example, one of the many critical products that we clean on a regular basis is isopropyl alcohol, which is used to make hand sanitizer. Furthermore, our industry-leading network of Food Grade facilities will be even more critical as our country recovers in the months to come.
Our great nation is at its best when reacting to times of crisis. Time and time again, in spite of our differences, the nation has demonstrated self-sacrifice and unity in the face of extreme adversity. We require no less of ourselves at Quala during these times.
I am proud to be part of the Quala family along with all of you as we continue to put our best foot forward. If you need anything at all, please don’t hesitate to reach out to our Customer Service Department, QualaCares, at [email protected].
Thank you for your support,